Bravo. Agree with the others on how thoughtful and eloquent this newsletter was. The reforestation metaphor was especially salient as (a) our logo for Better Together America is a sapling and (b) our theory of change is that we scale by helping accelerate one local civic hub (tree) here, then another there...until there is a forest of community power and capacity, redefining democracy as something that we do together, not something that is done to us.
Hi Pete—How timely that your post should pop up, as I have been thinking of you today—your film “Join or Die” an inspiration as well as a long phone conversation I had with Paul this morning—thinking of the need to reach out to others to process this horrible election outcome and to try to find a way forward. Then lo and behold, I found your post. Thank you for the T.S. Eliot and the Wendell Berry and your own thoughtful, helpful, much-needed inspiration. Truly, the poetry you shared and your words mean a lot and help a lot.
Bravo. Agree with the others on how thoughtful and eloquent this newsletter was. The reforestation metaphor was especially salient as (a) our logo for Better Together America is a sapling and (b) our theory of change is that we scale by helping accelerate one local civic hub (tree) here, then another there...until there is a forest of community power and capacity, redefining democracy as something that we do together, not something that is done to us.
Perfectly what I needed to read today. And happy, lucky Kelly to have a father so wise.
Hi Pete—How timely that your post should pop up, as I have been thinking of you today—your film “Join or Die” an inspiration as well as a long phone conversation I had with Paul this morning—thinking of the need to reach out to others to process this horrible election outcome and to try to find a way forward. Then lo and behold, I found your post. Thank you for the T.S. Eliot and the Wendell Berry and your own thoughtful, helpful, much-needed inspiration. Truly, the poetry you shared and your words mean a lot and help a lot.
—-Diane VanKoughnett
Thanks so much for this Pete. I feel like many of us need to inspired again, and this helped me a lot.